Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons

Media and Sermons

Here you will find MP3 recordings of Bible-based sermons which seek to teach, edify and encourage.

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

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Displaying 1041 - 1048 of 1048

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/24/10 Jesus The Chief Shepherd Jerry Crolius Lectureship Names of Jesus Lectureship Jerry_Crolius_-_Jesus_The_Chief_Shepherd.mp3
10/24/10 Jesus The Yes and Amen of God's Promises Brett Hogland Lectureship Names of Jesus Lectureship Brett_Hogland_-_Jesus_The_Yes_and_Amen_of_God's_Promises.mp3
10/23/10 Jesus The Christ Jerry Crolius Lectureship Names of Jesus Lectureship Jerry_Crolius_-_Jesus_The_Christ.mp3
10/23/10 Jesus The Nazarene Brett Hogland Lectureship Names of Jesus Lectureship Brett_Hogland_-_Jesus_The_Nazarene.mp3
10/23/10 Jesus Immanuel Jonathan Purkhiser Lectureship Names of Jesus Lectureship Jonathan_Purkhiser_-_Jesus_Immanuel.mp3
10/23/10 Jesus The Son of Man Jerry Crolius Lectureship Names of Jesus Lectureship Jerry_Crolius_-_Jesus_The_Son_of_Man.mp3
10/22/10 Jesus The Word Jonathan Purkhiser Lectureship Names of Jesus Lectureship Jonathan_Purkhiser_-_Jesus_The_Word.mp3
12/31/69 Miscellaneous Proverbs Mike Webb Sermon N/A Wed PM Miscellaneous_Proverbs_.pdf

Displaying 1041 - 1048 of 1048

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