

Cain and Abel

            The story of Cain and Abel is a story familiar to many of us.  It is a story of disobedience, jealousy and murder.  The story of Cain and Abel would have been much different if Cain had simply listened to the Lord.

             The Bible says, “And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was angry and his countenance fell” (Gen.4:5).  Why would God not accept Cain’s offering?  It was not partiality on God’s part, but due to the fact that Cain did not offer it by faith.   The Bible says, “By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain through which he was commended as righteous” (Heb.11:4).  Since faith comes by hearing God’s word (Romans 10:17) then God must have given instruction on how to worship him.   God asked Cain, “If you do well, will you not be accepted?” (Gen.4:7).  He was rejected because he did not do well.

          Many today, like, Cain believe that what we do in worship does not matter.  Cain teaches us a different lesson.  God will only accept worship that is offered in the right way.  Jesus said, “God is spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).